About the Author- Sue Ernst
I grew up in Mill Valley, California. Childhood was a dream back then. My sister and I were free to run in the hills behind our house. Our Mom had to call us in with a cow bell! To this day, the fragrance of Lupine, or the soft silky petal of a Poppy will transport me to those happy days and the love I had for reading children’s books! That love of books followed me into motherhood and grandmotherhood. It is no surprise that my two daughters grew up to be avid readers and one founded her own book publishing company!
It was volunteer work in Cambodia – serving at a rescue shelter for children at risk of trafficking, that broke my heart and my thoughts made it to paper. I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever I could so that those special kids knew that they were loved, to have hope and to be brave! Having a desire to write children’s books for years, it was only just recently that I became a published author! Brave Kids – Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World-Changers is a collection of short stories written by 24 authors from around the world. The lead author, K.J. Kaschula is also the illustrator of this wonderful collaboration. You will find my story, Chann is Called to the Principal[‘s Office – A Change of Heart Can Help! in Chapter 20! It is in this story that you will meet Monkey, a very special character that teaches kids the tools they need to stand up to their fears and be brave.

Watch for news soon about Susan’s first solo book coming out in late 2024.: The title is top secret for now. In this collection of stories, Monkey will be able to use all the tools in his toolbox to help brave kids all over the world!